Poster No. Author Organisation Poster Title
1 Mohamed Awad Sherif Swaed Petroleum & Technical Services Study of selected parameters impact on the occupational doses in industrial radiography at non-destructive testing in oil and gas
2 Rosalie Babicheva Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital Contamination artefact with I-131 activity on patient scalp and nasal mucosa on post treatment scan
3 Jason Charlwood University of Adelaide Gel Autoradiography as a tool for micron scale spatial mapping of alpha emitting radionuclides
4 Hannan Dempsey ARPANSA Radiological Monitoring for a Healthy Community
5 Jennifer Diffey Hunter New England Imaging Treatment of Feline Hyperthyroidism with Radioiodine (131I)
6 Dariusz Leszczynski University of Helsinki The lack of diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of electromagnetic hypersensitivity: A volunteer questionnaire study
7 Dariusz Leszczynski University of Helsinki Twenty years later: Proteomics as a tool in search of physiological effects of exposures to wireless radiation
8 Christopher Poole Radiation Analytics 3D printing tungsten, stainless steel and other materials for radiation shielding.
9 Aithan Roufos University of Adelaide Scintillation detector modeling and validation using Geant4
10 Joshua Smith ANSTO Revolutionising Radiation Safety: The Impact of ANSTO SPOT Robot on Hazardous Environment Management
11 Drew Watson Queensland Health An Overview of the Webinar Series of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society
12 Nicole Willetts NSW Environment Protection Authority Upskilling for Radiological Incident Response, the NSW EPA approach