Getting There

The Coffs Harbour Regional Airport offers direct flights from Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne with four airlines daily including Qantaslink, REX Airlines, and Link Airways. There are currently several daily direct flights to Sydney with a flight time of one hour, 2 flights a week to Brisbane with a flight time of one hour, and 7 flights a week to Melbourne with a flight time of 2 hours.

An easy drive along the Pacific Highway, sometimes referred to as the Legendary Pacific Coast. Coffs Coast is 550km from Sydney (under 6 hours), 427km from Brisbane (just over 4 hours), and only 3 hours from the Gold Coast.

A relaxing coastal route on NSW TrainLink with two rail services daily from Sydney and Brisbane to the Coffs Harbour railway station is also an option for travel to the Coffs Coast region.

If you prefer someone else behind the wheel while you relax in the seat, two coach companies can deliver you to the region from north and south including Greyhound Australia, and Premier Motor Service.

Is sailing is more your style? the Coffs Harbour International Marina located in the popular Jetty precinct offers customs, berthing and support facilities.
Getting around Coffs Harbour

Driving: Commute Times & Parking
- Coffs CBD north to Woolgoolga – 26km or 22min
- Coffs CBD west to Nana Glen – 26km or 25 min
- Coffs CBD south to Sawtell – 12km or 13 min
- Coffs CBD south to Airport – 4km or 5min
- Coffs CBD southwest to Bellingen – 35km or 28 min
- Coffs CBD east to Jetty – 3km or 6 min

Local Bus Services
Several local bus companies cover the Coffs Coast. Contact the individual companies for more information and timetables:
- Busways 02 6652 2744
- Forest Coach Lines (Coffs Harbour) 02 6652 3201
- Forest Coach Lines (Sawtell) 02 6653 3345
- Forest Coach Lines (Woolgoolga) 02 6654 0581
- Newcombe Coach Lines 02 6658 0303
- Dorrigo Transit (with airport/train transfers to Dorrigo) and a service to Armidale 02 5625 0065

Car Rental
Major car rental agencies as well as local companies have rental cars (and motor homes) available from the Coffs Harbour airport and city locations.
Find contact details for these companies on the Coffs Harbour Airport website.
Taxis, Tours and Rideshare
Coffs Harbour is well serviced with companies offering alternatives to driving yourself. Find out more on the links below:
- Taxis (including maxi-taxis and wheelchair accessible taxis) and airport shuttles
- Tour operators for the local area
- Rideshare company Uber
- Rideshare company Aride